trešdiena, 2013. gada 20. februāris

Home feeling

looked much god blow it haggai 1:9
home feeling dadisdo art
plants are an orchard songs 4:13
My oil painting art  is around the canvas world

All the information we cover is so interesting. I love these little things around me. I feel safe in my imaginative world. Maybe I'm wrong, but I suppose the idea that what I see is not at all what it really is. Strangely divine is built  this world. Enywhere the patterns are not random - do not tell me that! Beautiful and ugly, filled and empty, unifying and deflation, lovable and hateful, but the divine with deep meaning and significance, as it was created by God.
Visa informācija, kas mūs aptver ir tik interesanta. Es mīlu šīs mazās lietas apkārt man. Es jūtos droši savā iztēles pasaulē. Varbūt man nav taisnība, bet es pieļauju domu, ka tas ko es redzu nemaz nav tas kas tas ir patiesībā. Savādi dievišķi ir būvēta ir šī pasaule. Visur ir likumsakarības, nav nejaušību - man nestāstiet ka ir!  Skaista un neglīta, piepildīta un tukša, vienojoša un ārdoša, mīlama un nīstama, bet dievišķa ar dziļu jēgu un nozīmi, kādu to radījis Dievs.

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