otrdiena, 2016. gada 20. septembris


Idols around the town living calm life together, Rinaldo, Messi, Maria, Country Flag, Independence, Jesus baby, Lacoste, Coca cola... one big family of Statues for worshiping. I was feeling realy sad about that all together, who knows it's good or not,.. somebody was on his knees walking on floor front of basilica, cameras, candle burning in big fire, ... souvenirs, memories, death and life... I can say again- big cattle soup of energy. . Yes, I am sceptic to see this theatre and worstest part, that I also was there, it means- I was part of this theatre with camera watching all this, and just being there.
Fatima- reklāmas buklets liecina par gaismu cerību un mieru. Visi iespējamie veikali piedāvā iegādāties kādu no Marijas vai apustuļu statuetēm, arī tikpat svarīgos futbola un valsts simbolikas atribūtiku. Elku pārpilnība- izvēlies ko vēlies un skaties ko izvēlējies. Jā, jālūdz piedošana par spēcīgu skepticismu, bet tāda ir pasaule un ir lietas, kuras patiešām šad tad ir par daudz.

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